Lou Schiff of @BaseballAndLaw visits and talks Lockout, Derek Jeter & Marlins
- Jupiter MLB & MLBPA players remain locked out – Rob Manfred speaks
- 6 weeks of Spring Training lost - impacts local communities employment & revenue
- MLB cancels first 4 games of season with a self-inflicted wound
- Derek Jeter leaves Marlins
- We recommend The Honorable Lou Schiff as the next President of the Marlins
- State of the Lockout response from President, Tony Clark
- Jeff Passan does not mince words about MLB owners incompetence
- Legalized monopoly seeks more control
- Brandon @SportsBlitzPod recommends alternative sports to watch NHL, NASCAR
- Ticket takers, hot dog vendors & program hawkers – the “little guys” who are suffering
- Fans other options include NFL Combine, Underwear football, NHL, NBA
- What does ESPN & the Regional Sports Networks have to say about lost games & lost revenue?
- Tony Clark – there is more unity now than within the last 5 years
- When will we see Opening Day – May or July when NFL Spring Training Camp begins
- Mark is speechless and that never happens
- Will the Fans come back after the Lockout
- El Capitan has left the building - Derek Jeter
- Will Jeter work with MLB or work side by side with A-Rod
- Dream Team for MLB ownership – Tom Brady, Derek Jeter & Theo Epstein
- Could TB12 replace Stu Sternberg
BaseballBiz is also on iheartradio, Stitcher, Apple & Google podcasts
You can reach Mark @TheBaseballBiz on Twitter & Brandon @SportsBlitzPod
We recommend following Honorable Lou Schiff is on @BaseballandLaw on Twitter
Special thanks to XTaKeRuX for the music "Rocking Forward"
Fans are fortunate to have Jeff Passan, Ken Rosenthal, Evan Drellich and others for speaking freely about the Lockout
God Bless the Ukraine and it’s people